I believe that everything happens for a reason and people are placed in our lives just when we need them. 23 years ago, one of those people come into my life and changed me. Her name was Wendy. She fought hard for almost 6 years to beat cancer, but unfortunately 15 years ago today the cancer won. She was 20 years old. Sometimes in the midst of darkness, there is light and she always seemed to find it. She was able to use her cancer for good and to help others.
In her journal she wrote, "why me, why anyone else. Cancer isn't something you put on your list of things to do today."She never placed blame on anyone for having cancer, instead she wanted to use her cancer as a way to help others. She would spend her time visiting the other sick patients in the hospital giving them hope, she served in the community, and she served her friends. How can you not be inspired by someone like her. She showed me there was so much more to this life and instilled some of the greatest gifts. One of those being service.
In such a busy world it's hard to find the time or remember simple things like showing kindness or little acts of service. Today I was reminded of this. Each year on the anniversary of her passing, I try to find some way to honor her. This year, I asked the Young Women in our church to help me make puppets to donate to a children's hospital. I was touched by their excitement and willingness to help. Wendy would have been proud of them.