Today is Carson and Ethan's birthdays. They are growing up way too fast. It's actually really nice to celebrate their birthdays on the same day. It makes life so much easier for us. I wonder how it will be when Payton has her own day and they have to share. Carson is all about everything being fair.
We started a tradition last year of decorating their doors for their birthdays. My mom did it for me when I was growing up and I loved it, so I thought I would carry the tradition on to my children. We even did breakfast in bed for them this morning. Carson thought he was so cool. I love to watch the expressions on their faces when they open their presents to find the present they really wanted. This year I got a little ambitious and made them their own mini cakes. That way they didn't have to share a cake. The only downfall to sharing a birthday is trying to make it special for each of them.
Happy Birthday Boys!