Friday, November 7, 2008

So you had a bad day

Poor Ethan has a black eye. He was so embarrased to go to school that he walked into the school holding his hand over his eye so no one could see it. He actually wanted to wear his pirate patch over it so no one could see it, like that wont draw attention either. Carson had a friend over the other day and they were playing baseball and you can probably guess where this is going, yup right to Ethan's head.

This is the day it happened, and this is 2 days later

Payton LOVES the bathtub!! She could stay there all day if I let her. As you can see in the picture, she is very content and relaxed. In the next picture, you can see what happens when I take her out of the bath. At first I thought, oh she's just cold, but then I tried putting her back into the water and immediately she stopped crying and was smiling again. She's just like her brothers, a fish!


shanni said...

I can't believe how much older she looks. She is growing up so fast. How fun!

Anonymous said...

OUCH!!!! That eye looks like it hurts! Payton is so cute! I am glad she loves her bath.

Teej and Jenn said...

That poor kid. He always gets the brunt of things. I remember when another kid decided to bite him like five times on the face. OUCH! Payton is so cute. Addie loves the bath, but she doesn't scream getting out. YET!!