So I took the boys to the doctor today because we were having some itching problems. Turns out Carson and his little friend went frog hunting and found more than frogs. He found Poison Ivy. Luckily it isn't too bad and some hydrocortisone cream should clear it up.
Ethan, on the other hand, is itching for another reason. He told the doctor that he was itcy all over and that his grandma gave it to him. I had to laugh. Especially since we haven't seen grandma since Christmas time.
When we were living in UT, my mom would come over and stay at our house, usually in Ethan's room with him and she would tell him pirate stories to get him to sleep, well one night her legs were itchy so she slept without her pants on (sorry mom)and he thought that was so funny. Well some random day later he was itchy from exema and he thought he had caught it from grandma. So now when he itches, he blames grandma. Well he may be itchy all over right now, but the main reason we took him in was his bum was itchy and it was keeping him up all night, turns out he has pinworms. That's crazy, how do you get pinworms? Well I guess you can get it from someone who has them or from playing in dirt or sand that animals have been in. So the next time your at the park or on the beach, you might think twice about letting them play in the sand or dirt. It is easy to get rid of, prescription, hydrocortisone cream, and sanitize their entire room.