Monday, February 1, 2010

Are you Prepared?

We learned a valuable lesson this week. We are not prepared for intruders. Someone tried to break into our next door neighbors home 2 nights in a row. It was a little terrifying to get a call in the middle of the night from your neighbors saying "someone is trying to break into our home, were hiding in the closet, but the police are on their way." I'm glad they were comfortable enough to call us because I would have felt worse had they not called. It's comforting to know that we have good neighbors we can call in case of an emergency. It was a little difficult to back to sleep since we jumped at every little noise in the house, but I think this was a great wake up call for us to get prepared for an intruder should it ever happen to us. The first thing I did the next day was buy some door alarms and locks. On the bright side, it gave us a good idea for FHE this week. I don't know about you, but my kids will open the door for anyone. Most burglaries happen during the day sometimes even with the people home. So due to the past days events, we are a little more prepared if something were to happen. It doesn't hurt be a little more cautious these days. Are you Prepared?

1 comment:

Lindberg Family said...

Wow, that's super scary. I think I need to start turning on the alarm system that I pay good money for every month but never actually use!