Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Prisoner Payton

Payton has learned to climb out of her crib. We had a babysitter over about 2 weeks ago and she called me saying Payton was crying and she couldn't get her to go to bed. So I of course said just put her in her crib and let her cry it out. Well she had tried 5 times already and each time she climbed right out. We got home that night and I thought for sure she would be exhausted enough to just fall asleep, wrong! It was almost midnight and we had to sit next to her crib until she finally fell asleep. Needless to say it was a very long weekend. First thing Monday morning I ordered a crib tent which a friend of mine was telling me about. It has been a lifesaver. We can actually sleep now. Before the tent, Payton would wander around the house in the middle of the night looking for us and crying, but once she found us, she wanted to stay up and play till about 5am. This doesn't work when I have to get up at 6:30 to get boys ready for school, not to mention I am not a morning person and I get really grumpy with little sleep. We are so happy to have our crib tent and sleep much better at night knowing she can't escape her little prison.

1 comment:

Arrington said...

Let's see how long it takes that smart little girl of yours to figure that out .. I hope it's a long time.