Friday, April 24, 2009

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

I was afraid this might happen one day. Carson is such a great helper and is so careful with Payton, but she's getting to the age where she wiggles a lot and she throws herself back. Well Carson happen to be holding her the other day and she got excited like she usually does with him and he dropped her. I think it hurt him more than it did her. I checked her out and she was fine, but he was hysterical thinking he had really hurt her. I don't think I have ever seen Carson so scared and upset. I'm not sure he will hold her anytime soon. He's afraid that he'll drop her again. I think this was a good lesson for him and I think it will make him more cautious in the future with her. He really is so good with her and she loves him so much, so I hope this doesn't scare him away forever. I decided not to add any pictures because it would only embarrass him more.

1 comment:

Buffy Clark said...

that is so sad....I am more sad for Carson, poor guy!

I will remember that, and try to have Colton be careful with Libby. It is a good reminder!