Sunday, October 28, 2012


It's always interesting to see what my kids pick for their Halloween costumes.  Ethan picked Waldo.   Our church had a trunk or treat and it was comical to hear people ask where Waldo was and he would get a little confused and then remember they were actually talking about him.  He's such a funny kid.

Payton picked Red Riding Hood.  I was looking at pinterest and a red riding hood costume came up and she got so excited and said that's what she wanted to be.  I let it go for a few days thinking she would change her mind and pick a princess instead, but she held her ground.  So this is what we came up with.  I had to hide the costume from her so it would make it to halloween.
Carson of coarse is too old to trick or treat so he doesn't have a costume this year.  Man that makes me feel old.

Happy Halloween Ya'll!

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